Limitations of or as a Content Management System

Here's a list that I keep updated to keep track of limitations of Blogger for usage as a full-blown CMS for not just a simple blog site.

1. Does not permit users to control URL path (i.e Blogger instead does it automatically. This prevents the following site features from materializing properly:

     a. Custom Application PATHS
     b. SEO-related URLs

Related Post Widget for Blogspot Made Easy

Using similar technique as the general purpose blogspot related article widget, integrating it to the blogger templating engine is easy. Here's how.

Related Articles Widget for Blogspot and Other Sites, from Blogspot

Putting in related links to an article keeps your traffic into your network or site. The longer they stay, the better chance of conversion.

Well, there are many BlogSpot or Blogger related article widgets out there but they often refer to it as a hack or something like that. I think differently, something with a publicly available API isn't a hack, it's a valid widget or mashup with javascript as a client.